Editorial Note

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Research is not a static event; collaboration on makes research stronger. The appropriate public forum for each series of experiments is as important as appropriately controlling for variables in an experiment. Given the climate of science, we should be trying to increase the locations where research can be done and foster scientific creativity. We should not be trying to hide research away for the benefit of a limited group of people. If funding comes from public sources, the results should also be made public. These results belong to the people that will undoubtedly benefit from any new scientific paper published, no matter the area of science. Our journal will helpfully provide this information to the community, with the help of our researchers and scientific editorial board.

The Interprofessional Journal of Health Sciences (Interprof. J. Health Sci.) is the scientific journal and it is published in English, the most commonly-used language in the world. It is easy for researchers and interested people to understand new information. Knowledge is in exponential growth phase and Interprof. J. Health Sci. serves interesting articles including review article, original article, short report, case report, note and letter to editor.

The objective of Interprof. J. Health Sci., a peer-reviewed journal and fast publication, is to publish up-to-date and high quality knowledge of health, science, technology, biomedical and socio-medical sciences. The readers and scientists that pick up this volume and future volumes will gain information across many areas of biology and should be able to apply something to their own research. We are a part of the collaboration process and can help disseminate information to the scientific community. Research is done in incremental steps, rarely are extreme jump in technology made. Small advances in knowledge are what fuel the community. Our hope is to be an interactive part of this process, helping to share the collective knowledge of researchers in Thailand and abroad and add to the foundation of science. In addition, we prepare an easy way to submit manuscripts via online-submission (https://ijhs.rsu.ac.th/) at any time.

The editorial board would like to thank all those having made it possible to bring out this volume. Foremost, we thank the contributors who could contribute articles for this volume, despite their heavy schedule. We also place on record our great appreciation of those colleagues who have placed at our disposal their valuable time for doing the editing and proof-reading. Finally, the editorial board would be glad to receive comments and suggestions from the readers with a view to improve the quality of this journal.

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How to Cite
Editor. Editorial Note. Interprof J Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];18(1). available from: https://li05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IJHS/article/view/30