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Parina Na Phatthalung


Objectives: This study was to find the drug-related problems (DRPs) and to develop solving problem models for hypertensive (HTN) and diabetic (DM) patients. Materials and Methods: Subjects were 1,000 DM and HTN patients collected by using a purposive sampling method from 10 good NCD teamwork health centers. This study was conducted between March and October 2014 in Trang Province. DRPs were collected using the semi-structured questionnaire interviews. The DRPs solving model was included, 1) Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) were trained program 2) Pharmacists and VHVs interviewed for determining DRPs 3) The developing method to solve DRPs was included, 3.1 Public health care team solved individual DRPs. 3.2 Pharmacists and VHVs visited home health care. 3.3 Improvement drug behavior according to self-efficacy theory. 3.4 Created health care community team. Results and Discussion: 76.80 % were patients with DRPs. DRPs were Classified into six types, i.e. 1.) 59 % untreated indications and non-adherent 2.) 15 % adverse drug reactions. 3.) 9 % drug under-dose of correct drugs 4.) 9 % drug use without indications 5.) 7 % was a duplication of drug therapy. 6.) 1% was drug over-dose of correct drugs. 63.02 % of patients’ problems were successfully corrected. Six health care community teams were sharing drug information among each team. Our findings purposely contributed to development DRPs solving models. Public health care teams individually solved DRPs, visited home health care, and improved drug behavior. VHVs were Head of health care community teams. According to self-efficacy theory, the head of teams had established health care community teams.

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How to Cite
Phatthalung PN. A CASE STUDY: SOLVING DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS FOR DIABETIC AND HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS IN TRANG PROVINCE, THAILAND. Interprof J Health Sci [internet]. 2020 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];18(2):40-3. available from: https://li05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IJHS/article/view/35
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