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Ratanaporn (Suree) Supalaknaree


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the world’s public health problems. It is caused by dysfunction of the pancreas;  an insulin producing organ. Hypoglycemic drug(s) administration is introduced by modern medicine such as insulin for type I DM (insulin dependent DM) and sulfonylurea for type II DM for more insulin secretion via pancreatic stimulation mechanism. Improper/non diabetic medications may be developed to chronic complications either microvascular (diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy) or macrovascular (cardiovascular diseases) or infected diabetes (gangrene). Long-term use of hypoglycemic drug(s) cause drug resistance, drug deposition, and drug toxicity to organs (liver, kidney) and systems (circulatory-, immune systems) and death from renal failure. However, hypoglycemic drugs used by modern medicine can only prevent diabetic complications but still not a real curative method. Therefore, alternative medicine with high potential in rejuvenation of organs and systems as recorded in the past use with less toxicities such as herbal medicine with therapeutic properties for diabetes and oriental exercise (yoga, taichi) is another choice for diabetes to take care of their health.

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Supalaknaree R (Suree). DIABETES MELLITUS HOW TO COPE WITH THIS LIFE THREATENING DISEASE? . Interprof J Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(2):1-6. available from: https://li05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IJHS/article/view/80
Review Article


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