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Pathamaporn Pathompak
Laksana Charoenchai
Chaowalit Monton


Hypercholesterolemia is the important public health problems. Triphala is traditional medicinal formula that is recognized to demonstrate the antioxidative activity and the blood cholesterol reducing property. It composes of fruits of three herbal plants, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula and Phyllanthus emblica. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of Triphala and modified Triphala formulas on cholesterol esterase inhibition and total phenolic content. Each formula was extracted in duplicate called extraction 1 and extraction 2. The results indicated that modified Triphala formula 2 (MT.F.2), which contained T. bellirica, T. chebula and P. emblica in 12:8:4 weight ratio,  expressed the highest total phenolic content at 514.4±5.1 µg GAE/mg plant extract for extraction 1 and 516.3±22.9 µg GAE/mg plant extract for extraction 2, respectively. The cholesterol esterase (CEase) was inhibited only 4-11% by aqueous extract of Triphala and modified Triphala formulas at concentration of 2.0 mg/ml. The MT.F.2 manifested the highest percent inhibitory values of 8.4±0.4 for extraction 1 and 10.6±0.5 for extraction 2, respectively. In conclusion, total phenolic content involve in the proportion of T. bellirica in formula. On the contrary, the inhibition of CEase seemed not related to the amount of each herbal plant in formula.  

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Pathompak P, Charoenchai L, Monton C. THE CHOLESTEROL ESTERASE INHIBITION AND TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF TRIPHALA AND MODIFIED TRIPHALA FORMULAS. Interprof J Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];13(2):25-30. available from:
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