Fluxoid Quantum hc/2e Protected in an S-Wave Superconducting Ring


  • Chatuporn Nisaisue Faculty of Science, Burapha University


superconductor , Little-Parks effect , Aharonov-Bohm effect


Background and Objectives : A question of  the possibility of the crossover of flux periodicity from the usual Little-Parks value of a fluxoid quantum hc/2e to a period hc/e when the radius of an s-wave superconducting ring is reduced, is examined in detail.

Methodology : The method of Gor’kov Green's function is employed to calculate the superconducting critical temperature equation. The numerical analysis is studied to explore the fluxoid crossover phenomenon.

Main Results : We study the phenomenon of fluxoid crossover both in the cases  of large- and finite-radius limits and found a period of oscillation of the critical temperature is always given by hc/2e. The obtained results show the fluxoid is strictly quantized in units of hc/2e.

Conclusions  : Our analysis provides the results contrast to the theoretical work of  Wei-Goldbart in the context of a one-dimensional superconducting clean ring. The study enhances the proper understanding of flux periodicity and fluxoid quantization in the critical temperature of an s-wave superconducting ring threaded by magnetic flux.   


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How to Cite

Nisaisue, C. . . (2024). Fluxoid Quantum hc/2e Protected in an S-Wave Superconducting Ring. Burapha Science Journal, 29(1 January-April), 327–336. retrieved from https://li05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buuscij/article/view/237