The Diversity of Crabs under Complex Habitats around Ao Chalok Baan Kao Beach, Koh Tao, Suratthani Province
crab, Koh Tao , Ao Chalok Baan Kao beach , habitat complexityAbstract
Background and Objectives : The complex habitats promotes high diversity of crabs by providing greater space for refuge, food resources and area-independent. This study aims to determine species diversity, abundance and distribution of crabs around Ao Chalok Bann Kao Beach, located in the southern part of Koh Tao, the unique area with complex habitats all within a 500-meter stretch.
Methodology : The species diversity, abundance and distribution of crabs around Ao Chalok Bann Kao Beach, with 4 complex habitats : sandy beach, rocky beach, muddy beach, and mangrove forest were studied as well as the life history of the most abundance crabs in rocky beach and muddy beach.
Main Results : The results showed the diversity of crabs, comprising 11 families, 16 genera, and 22 species. Notably, new record of three species of sentinel crabs (Macrophthalmus convexus, M. brevis, and M. milloti) living in the same muddy beach was identified. A rare species, the purple land crab (Gecarcoidea lalandii), was observed migrating from the forest to the beach through drainage pipes for spawning in the sea, highlighting the threat posed by human destroying their spawning routes. The rocky beach was densely populated with yellow-legged hermit crabs (Clibanarius virescens), reaching about 1,393.52 individuals per square meter. The muddy beach had a high density of red-bellied sentinel crabs (Macrophthalmus convexus), at 20.33 individuals per square meter. These abundant crabs play a crucial role in providing environmental services at Koh Tao.
Conclusions : Ao Chalok Ban Kao Beach had complex habitats for crabs. As a result, biodiversity is high and different from common areas. The impact of human threatened crab habitats on Koh Tao necessitate protective and conservation measures, particularly for purple land crabs, and declaring Ao Chalok Ban Kao Beach as a biodiversity important area (BIA).
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