Application of Coconut Meal for Synbiotic Beads Production in Food Products
probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics , coconut meal powder , encapsulationAbstract
Background and Objectives : Synbiotics is the combination of probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are good microorganisms that are beneficial to the gut, while prebiotics are dietary fibers that cannot be digested or absorbed by the human body in the gastrointestinal tract. However, the prebiotics are food sources of probiotics. Therefore, synbiotics can support probiotics working more effectively. Sources of prebiotics can be found in agricultural products, such as coconuts, artichoke, bananas, etc. Therefore, objectives of this research were to utilize community agricultural waste as prebiotics for developing prototype functional food products. The raw material used in the study was “Khun Si Mo” coconut meal (Ban Suan Nam Som, Amphawa, Samut Songkhram) in order to add value waste raw materials of the community.
Methodology : In the present study, a commercial bacterium (Lactobacillus bulgaricus TISTR 451) was used as probiotics for study, while coconut meal (Khun Si Mo) was tested for prebiotics. The coconut meal was varied as 0, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0%(w/v) to select the appropriate amount for probiotic growth. Then, encapsulation efficiency was investigated by encapsulation of commercial probiotics with 3 different biopolymers, such as 4%(w/w) alginate, 0.5%(w/w) carrageenan, and the mixture of 4%(w/w) alginate and 0.5%(w/w) carrageenan in a ratio of 1:1. The highest encapsulation efficiency and survival rate of probiotics were determined. To study the role of synbiotics on the probiotics survival in functional food products, optimal content of probiotics and prebiotics were selected for encapsulation as compared to probiotics encapsulation (control) in functional products (ice cream and salad dressing).
Main Results: Coconut meal 1.5% was suitable for a growth of lactic acid bacteria, increasing from 9.88 to 10.10 log CFU/mL. According to analysis, the encapsulation efficiency of 3 different kinds of biopolymers was found that the mixture of alginate and carrageenan gave the highest encapsulation efficiency (95.63±0.16%) in correspondence with the highest of survival rate of probiotics encapsulated with the mixture of alginate and carrageenan (8.79 log CFU/mL) after incubation in simulated gastric juice for 120 min. It indicated that the mixture of alginate and carrageenan improved the survival rate of probiotics. Therefore, the mixture of 2 biopolymers was selected for probiotics and prebiotics encapsulation, and applied in ice cream and salad dressing. The results showed that synbiotics were able to maintain the survival rate of probiotics in both products due to the presence of prebiotics being food sources of probiotics.
Conclusions: Co-encapsulation of prebiotics and probiotics could retard the death and enhance survival of probiotics in severe conditions. It can also be applied in other functional food products, which were acceptable and good for the digestive system of consumers.
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