Quantile Mapping for Bias Adjustment of Gridded Monthly Reference Crop Evapotranspiration (ETo) in Northern Thailand
bias adjustment , reference crop evapotranspiration , Quantile Mapping , CHELSAAbstract
Background and Objectives : Reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) is essential for water management, especially for determining irrigation requirements and planning water allocation. Due to the limited number of ETo monitoring stations in Thailand, high-resolution gridded ETo datasets, such as CHELSA and TerraClimate, serve as alternative data sources. However, these datasets may contain biases. This research aims to correct the bias in gridded ETo data in northern Thailand using the Quantile Mapping method.
Methodology : The probability distribution of the ETo data was tested. Monthly ETo data from seven meteorological stations in northern Thailand were used as reference data for the bias correction of the CHELSA and TerraClimate gridded ETo datasets via the Quantile Mapping method. The reliability of the gridded ETo datasets before and after correction was evaluated using percent bias (PBIAS) and correlation coefficient (r).
Main Results : Results showed that all ETo data followed a Gumbel distribution. The strong positive correlation between station and gridded data (r > 0.8) indicated high precision. Before correction, both CHELSA and TerraClimate overestimated ETo compared to observations. Bias correction successfully reduced the PBIAS to within ±10%, indicating good accuracy.
Conclusions : The study concluded that Quantile Mapping effectively corrects bias in gridded ETo data, enhancing their reliability for applications such as irrigation planning, drought monitoring, and related studies.
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