Determination of Phosphate in Pork by Digital Image Colorimetry Compared with UV-Visible Spectrophotometry
smartphone-based digital image colorimeter , UV-visible spectrophotometer , phosphate, chromogenic reagent , UV digestionAbstract
Background and Objectives : From the problem of pork found in Thai barbecue restaurants which phosphate is used in marinating to make the meat absorb water well, maintain softness, maintain flavor, and is likely to be widely used. Most consumers are concerned that phosphates will enter the body from residues in pork and cause harmful to the body. Therefore, in this research work, the developed method for preparing processed pork samples using UV light digestion was utilized before analyzing the phosphate content by complexing with the coloring forming solution. The color of the complexes solution was then analyzed by the digital image colorimetry (DIC) by capturing in a light-controlled box with the camera of a smart mobile phone and measuring the red, green and blue (RGB) color value with an application and compared the results obtained from the developed technique with an advanced technique which is UV-visible spectrophotometry.
Methodology : Pork samples were weighed approximately 0.1 g then mixing it with the mixtures of concentrated nitric acid (65%) and hydrogen peroxide (30%) (2:1 v/v). Next, the mixture was irradiated by UV light until the solution dried followed by the addition of deionized water then forming complex compounds with chromogenic reagent followed by digital image colorimetry compared with UV-visible spectrophotometry.
Main Results : The color of the complex was blue and subsequently analyzed with a digital image colorimetry. The linear range was found in the range of 0.10 – 0.50 mg L-1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.996. The percentage recoveries were in the range of 87.2 – 100. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.09 and 0.30 mg L-1, respectively.
Conclusions : From the results of the experiment, it was concluded that the analysis of the phosphate content in the pork samples was done with chromogenic reagent followed by digital image colorimetry which is accurate, convenient, fast, and environmentally friendly. When comparing with the UV-visible spectrophotometry to confirm the correctness of the method, it was found that the results were not significantly different at the 95% confidence level by paired t-test.
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