Composition of Benthic Macrofauna in Earthen Fishpond of Sena District, Ayutthaya Province


  • Santiphap Boonmeepom Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Agro Industry, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Natthakitt To-orn Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Agro Industry, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi


benthic macrofauna , earthen fish pond , Ayutthaya Province


Background and Objectives : This study aimed to be used as a guideline for altering the fertility of fish ponds in terms of being a natural food supply for fish in the pond.

Methodology : Samples of benthic fauna, water quality, and sediment were collected in April 2023, representing the dry season, and in July 2023 representing the rainy season.

Main Results : The study identified seven major groups of macrofauna, namely oligochaetes, hirudineans, gastropods, bivalves, crustaceans, insect larvae, and fishes. Aquatic oligochaetes, Branchiura sp.,    Brachiodilus sp., Tubifex sp. (Tubificidae), and Dero sp. (Naididae), as well as the quilted melania, Tarebia granifera (Thiaridae), were among the dominating benthic fauna discovered. The abundance of macrofauna ranged from   89 to 3,602 ind/m2, with a biomass ranging from 0.04 to 234.31 g/m2. Environmental factors influencing the abundance of benthic fauna include water transparency and pH.

Conclusions : The presence of aquatic oligochaetes, including Branchiura sp., Brachiodilus sp., Tubifex sp., and Dero sp., as well as the quilted melania, T. granifera, were the predominant groups, indicating the accumulation of high organic matter content in fish pond sediment. Managing fish ponds according to academic principles can help reduce the accumulation of high organic matter content in the fish pond sediment from adding organic fertilizers to the pond to create natural food such as benthic fauna for fish. This research proposes guidelines for the utilization of fish pond sediment that are consistent with economic development according to the concept of Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG Model).


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How to Cite

Boonmeepom , S. ., & To-orn, N. (2024). Composition of Benthic Macrofauna in Earthen Fishpond of Sena District, Ayutthaya Province. Burapha Science Journal, 29(2), 527–542. Retrieved from



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