Correlation of Water Quality and Average Weight of Hybrid Catfish Cultured with Biofloc System in Earthen Ponds
ammonia, biofloc, correlation, hybrid catfish , water qualityAbstract
Background and Objectives : Thailand's catfish farming system has evolved into an intensive farming system which produces substantial amounts of waste, including high levels of ammonia and nitrite in fish pond, and elevated BOD in effluent. One solution is the application of biofloc technology, which uses heterotrophic bacteria to assimilate ammonia and produce protein in microbial cells, thereby improving water quality to levels suitable for fish growth. This study aimed to determine the correlations between water quality, and average fish weight, and the addition of biofloc in hybrid catfish cultured in earthen ponds, compared to ponds without biofloc.
Methodology : The experiment was conducted in six earthen ponds, each measuring 800 m2 with a water depth of 1.2 meters and a water volume of 960 m3. Hybrid catfish, with an average weight of 2.47±0.8 g and an average length of 7.17±0.35 cm, were stocked at a density of 25,000 fish per pond. The fish were fed finely ground fresh chicken by-product once a day. The trial period lasted for six months, during which data on fish growth, survival rate, feed cost and water quality were recorded.
Main Results : With the addition of biofloc, growth rate (final average fish weight = 272.82 +3.04 g), FCR (3.20+0.01) and feed cost (19.26+0.09 Baht/ 1 kg fish) were statistically more efficient (p<0.05) compared to the ponds without biofloc. Fish feed cost was reduced by 2.1 baht/kg (9.86%). In biofloc adding ponds, water quality parameters that had a high positive correlation with average fish weight included nitrite (r= 0.893) and nitrate (r=0.788) but had a high negative correlation with transparency (r= -0.781); and a highly positive correlation with total settleable solids (r= 0.931). Additionally, water quality changes through rearing time which had a high positive correlation to biofloc adding were ammonia (r= 0.833), nitrate (r= 0.898) and BOD (r= 0.845); and a highly positive correlation with nitrite (r= 0.966) and total settleable solids (r= 0.980), in contrast, the transparency (r= -0.911) had a highly negative correlation.
Conclusions : Applying biofloc in hybrid catfish ponds increases fish yield, lowers the feed costs, and regulate ammonia and BOD levels, in accordance with the observed correlations between water quality and average fish weight.
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