Embryonic Development of Mud Crab (Scylla paramamosain) Developed in Water Recirculation Housing System


  • Hafeezee Chema Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
  • Supat Khongpuang Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
  • Sukree Hajisamae Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus


mud crab biology, mud crab culture, crustacean, reproductive biology


Background and Objectives : Mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) is a potentially economic aquatic culture species with less success in propagation. One of the major problems of mud crab culture is lacking quality and low reproductive berried female broodstock. This study aims to assess embryonic development, egg diameter, and egg volume of berried female mud crabs incubated in a recirculation broodstock housing system at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus to provide supporting data for S. paramamosain hatchery propagation.

Methodology : The methods used include rearing female mud crab broodstock (stage III-IV), collected from the wild and semi-intensive pond culture, in the recirculation broodstock housing system. Egg samples from berried female crabs were collected daily to investigate embryonic development, egg diameter, and egg volume. Altogether, 93 samples of berried female crab were determined during a period of 14 months (January 2023 – February 2024). Compared the egg size among different days of the incubation period by using one-way ANOVA with DMRT post hoc test and investigated the relationship between egg size and the incubation period by using simple linear regression.

Main Results : Embryonic development of S. paramamosain including cleavage, blastula, gastrula, eyespot-pigmentation, thoracico-abdominal and heartbeat-prehatching stages. The incubation period was 9 -11 days at water salinity and temperature of 32-35 ppt and 27-30 ºC, respectively. The average diameter and volume of egg on the first day of spawning were 348.71±15.85 µm and 21.51±3.04 ×106 µm3, respectively. It later increased to 412.38±19.10 µm and 35.97±5.12×106 µm3, respectively on the prehatching day. Egg diameter (µm) and egg volume (µm3) were significantly determined (p<0.01) by the incubation period of egg development (day) using a simple linear regression model at the coefficient of determinations (R2) of 68.83% and 68.28%, respectively. During the incubation period, the egg color changed gradually from yellow to orange, brown, gray, and black, respectively. The first hatching was found on day 9 while the egg color was gray or black and the egg diameter of 425.58±17.69 µm or the egg volume of 39.55±5.08×106 µm3.

Conclusions : Mud crab egg embryonic development was classified into 6 stages. Egg diameter and egg volume increased significantly during the development period. The egg diameter varied from 348.71- 437.16 µm. Prehatching egg diameter was 412.38±19.10 µm. The size of the egg (diameter and volume) was determined by the incubation period of egg development (day) with the R2 of 68%.       


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How to Cite

Chema, H., Khongpuang, S., & Hajisamae, S. (2024). Embryonic Development of Mud Crab (Scylla paramamosain) Developed in Water Recirculation Housing System. Burapha Science Journal, 29(3 September-December), 1081–1096. retrieved from https://li05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buuscij/article/view/543